Monday, November 1, 2010 to get started

Goal #1 Loseing weight
 Why do I start with this... Well because it is the hardest goal for me to reach. I was very thin at one time and have been struggling for the last ten years to do something about it. I have tried the working out bit joined weight watchers and la weight loss in the past diets galor and everything and everything I have seen on television. But lets be honest you need will power! Wich I lack a lot of. I mean who has time to fit it in especially when your working, going to school and raising a nine year old. But there is one thing for sure that weight loss is never an easy thing. Have you ever told yourself well I'm going to eat bad tonight but tomarrow I'm going to start? I play that game everyday. Excuses thats what I do never enough time, I'm to tired, no money to join a gym and I don't feel good. All these things I deal with every day but I'm starting to feel I need to change something and quick I can't afford to buy new clothes and the more I sit around the less I feel like getting up and doing anything about it. I still have clothes of mine from ten years ago that I need to get rid of I mean maybe then I will be more likely to start working out those clothes I have now are nothing but a tease of what I use to look like. But how do you start and keep with it. In the past I have done great with starting out even went as far as three months but then gave up cause the scale wasnt changing. My next goal is to try P90x my boss at work dubbed the disk for me and i did start it and I shedded inches right away but I got in a car accident and screwed up my back so every time I started it I was in pain. But for real tomarrow morning I am going to start and if I don't well I will have the guilt of knowing people will see. So anyhow I am currently now 188 pounds in which for my body i should be around 117lbs. I think a lot of my back pain now is due to all the weight I carry. My breasts have grown to a DD 44 and my stomach is bigger then my boobs which causes a lot of back pain for me. The only way out is starting to eat healthy and work out but again easier said then done. So tomarrow after work I will post day one of begining to being me again.

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